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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - staff


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См. в других словарях

  I noun  1) pl. also stavesпосох, палка; with swords and staves - с мечами и дрекольем  2) жезл  3) флагшток; древко  4) столп, опора, поддержка  5) (pl. staves) mus. нотный стан  6) geod. нивелирная рейка the staff of life - хлеб насущный II  1. noun  1) штат служащих; служебный персонал; личный состав; кадры; to be on the staff - быть в штате; the staff of a newspaper - сотрудники газеты  2) mil. штаб  2. adj.  1) штатный; staff writer - штатный сотрудник газеты  2) mil. штабной  3) используемый персоналом; staff room - преподавательская (комната)  3. v. укомплектовывать штаты; набирать кадры STAFF nurse noun (младшая) медицинская сестра ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. посох, палка to walk with a staff —- идти, опираясь на палку 2. дибин(к)а 3. флагшток; древко 4. жезл, символ власти 5. столп, опора, поддержка she is the staff of his old life —- она его опора в старости courage is the staff of my ambitions —- мужество - вот что поддерживает мои честолюбивые замыслы 6. мор. шток 7. муз. нотный стан, нотоносец 8. геод. нивелирная рейка, футшток 9. ступенька (приставной лестницы); перекладина (стула) 10. ж-д. жезл 11. мед. операционный цистоскоп Id: staff and staple —- главные составные части, основа, суть Id: to have the staff in one's own hand —- владеть собственностью (имуществом); быть хозяином положения; властвовать, иметь власть Id: to set up one's staff —- поселиться, обосноваться 12. собир. штат, штаты (служащих и т. п.) to be on the staff —- быть в штате to cut down the staff —- сокращать штаты 13. персонал, личный состав, сотрудники staff members —- сотрудники (данного учреждения) teaching staff —- учителя; профессорско-преподавательский состав nursing staff —- средний медицинский персонал the staff of a newspaper —- сотрудники газеты diplomatic staff —- дипломатические сотрудники a staff of servants —- штат прислуги the faculty and administrative staff —- преподаватели и административный персонал (вуза) to join the staff of the newspaper —- стать сотрудником газеты 14. ам....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  образ. управленческий и учебно-вспомогательный персонал Персонал колледжа или университета, не относящийся к профессорско-преподавательскому составу faculty ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  – sea staff ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  персонал – field staff – legal staff STAFF сущ. 1) состав (служащих), штат, персонал, сотрудники, кадры 2) воен. личный состав • - accounting staff - bank staff - editorial staff - executive staff - expatriate staff - junior service staff - maintenance staff - managerial staff - not on the staff - nursing staff - office staff - reduce the stuff - staff function - staff management - staff mobility - staff organization - staff transfer - staff work - teaching staff - technical staff Syn: complement, personnel STAFF 1. сущ. 1) эк. тр., упр. = personnel to reduce staff by 35 employees — сократить штат на 35 сотрудников, сократить 35 сотрудников The hospital has an excellent nursing staff. — В больнице работают замечательные медсестры. See: junior staff, senior staff, staffing, accounting staff, administrative staff, ancillary staff, basic staff number, clerical staff, full-time staff, junior staff, overstaffed, part-time staff, regular staff, senior staff, staff appraisal, staff association, staff recruitment, temporary staff 2) воен. = personnel 3) воен. штаб (группа офицеров, которая вырабатывает, обсуждает и предлагает командующему возможные решения) general staff — генеральный штаб military staff — военный штаб to reduce staff in Iraq — сократить личный состав в Ираке He was on the general staff. — Он был приписан к генштабу. She was assigned to the staff as an intelligence officer. — Ее приписали к штабу как офицера разведки. 4) упр. =staff organization 2. гл. упр. укомплектовывать штаты, обеспечивать персоналом, набирать кадры The Administrative Division of the Finance Department is staffed by a...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) ж.-д. жезл 2) коллектив 3) комплектовать людьми 4) рейка 5) состав личный 6) штат film production staff — киносъемочная группа - block staff - staff catcher - staff system - staff tip adapter ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  штат служащих, персонал – radio-station staff ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  декоративная деталь из гипсоволокнистого раствора наружная штукатурная обмазка стены угловая накладка уплотняющая накладка (планка) (в шве между кирпичной кладкой и дверной или оконной коробкой) шест; рейка; веха штат; персонал angle staff coarse staff cross staff fine staff fixed staff ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) штат (служащих), служебный персонал укомплектовывать штаты 2) шест; веха; шток; рейка 3) флагшток 4) ж.-д. жезл 5) штукатурный раствор для наружных стен 6) лесн. дубовая клёпка - engineering and design staff - executive staff - flag staff - maintenance staff - managing staff - measuring staff - operating staff - quality control staff - skeleton staff - technical staff - water-level staff - wave staff ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a stick or pole for use in walking or climbing or as a weapon. b a stick or pole as a sign of office or authority. c a person or thing that supports or sustains. d a flagstaff. e Surveying a rod for measuring distances, heights, etc. f a token given to an engine-driver on a single-track railway as authority to proceed over a given section of line. g a spindle in a watch. 2 a a body of persons employed in a business etc. (editorial staff of a newspaper). b those in authority within an organization, esp. the teachers in a school. c Mil. etc. a body of officers assisting an officer in high command and concerned with an army, regiment, fleet, or air force as a whole (general staff). d (usu. Staff) Mil. = staff sergeant. 3 (pl. staffs or staves) Mus. a set of usu. five parallel lines on any one or between any adjacent two of which a note is placed to indicate its pitch. --v.tr. provide (an institution etc.) with staff. Phrases and idioms staff college Brit. Mil. etc. a college at which officers are trained for staff duties. staff notation Mus. notation by means of a staff, esp. as distinct from tonic sol-fa. staff nurse Brit. a nurse ranking just below a sister. staff officer Mil. an officer serving on the staff of an army etc. staff sergeant 1 Brit. the senior sergeant of a non-infantry company. 2 US a non-commissioned officer ranking just above sergeant. Derivatives staffed adj. (also in comb.). Etymology: OE st{aelig}f f. Gmc 2. n. a mixture of plaster of Paris, cement, etc., as a temporary building-material. Etymology: 19th c.: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural ~s or staves)  Etymology: Middle English staf, from Old English st?f; akin to Old High German stab ~, Sanskrit stabhnati he supports  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a long stick carried in the hand for support in walking  b. a supporting rod: as  (1) archaic shaft 1a(1)  (2) a crosspiece in a ladder or chair ; rung  (3) flag~  (4) a pivoted arbor  c. club, cudgel  2.  a. crosier  b. a rod carried as a symbol of office or authority  3. the horizontal lines with their spaces on which music is written — called also stave  4. any of various graduated sticks or rules used for measuring ; rod  5. plural ~s  a. the officers chiefly responsible for the internal operations of an institution or business  b. a group of officers appointed to assist a civil executive or commanding officer  c. military or naval officers not eligible for operational command  d. the personnel who assist a director in carrying out an assigned task  e. plural ~ a member of a ~ employs three full-time ~  • ~ adjective  II. transitive verb  Date: 1859  1. to supply with a ~ or with workers  2. to serve as a ~ member of an organization ~ed by volunteers ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (staffs, staffing, staffed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The staff of an organization are the people who work for it. The staff were very good... He thanked his staff. ...members of staff... Many employers seek diversity in their staffs. N-COUNT-COLL see also Chief of Staff 2. People who are part of a particular staff are often referred to as staff. 10 staff were allocated to the task... He had the complete support of hospital staff. N-PLURAL 3. If an organization is staffed by particular people, they are the people who work for it. They are staffed by volunteers... The centre is staffed at all times... VERB: usu passive, be V-ed by/with n, be V-ed • staffed The house allocated to them was pleasant and spacious, and well-staffed. ADJ: adv ADJ see also short-staffed 4. A staff is a strong stick or pole. N-COUNT 5. A staff is the five lines that music is written on. (AM; in BRIT, use stave) ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »WORKERS« a) (countable, also + plural v BrE) the people who work for an organization, especially a school or business  (The school's staff is excellent. | We now employ a staff of 25. | member of staff)  (Complaints by members of staff about sick pay. | on the staff (=being a member of staff))  (It's good to have you on staff.) b) the members of such a group  (Andrea's in charge of about 20 staff. | complaints by members of staff about sick pay | a special car park for senior staff | on the staff (=being a member of staff))  (It's good to have you on the staff.) 2 »STICK« plural staves a) old use a long thick stick to help you walk b) a long thick stick that an official holds in some ceremonies 3 »FLAG« a pole for flying a flag on; flagpole 4 »MUSIC« the set of five lines that music is written on; stave1 (1) 5 the staff of life literary a basic food, especially bread  (- see also general staff, ground staff) ~2 v T usually passive to provide the workers for an organization  (The refuge is staffed mainly by volunteers.)  (- see also overstaffed, understaffed) - staffing n  (staffing levels) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Smart Target Activated Fire And Forget ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. stжf "stick, staff, rod" (also, in plural, "letter, character, writing," cf. stжfcrжft "grammar"), from P.Gmc. *stabaz. Sense of "group of military officers that assists a commander" is from 1779, apparently from Ger., from the notion of the "baton" that is a badge of office or authority. Meaning "group of employees (as at an office or hospital)" is first found 1837. The verb meaning "to provide with a staff of assistants" is from 1859. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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